Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back from Vacation!

After many months of dedication to the baby known as Chi Omega Songfest, I am back and ready to renovate. When I got my hands on a would-be throwaway table of my mother's and realized I actually had some time to spare, it was all I could think about...

What color?
Distressed or glossy? Or both!
Stripes? No, who has a striped table..
Ohh, I'll make faux drawers so I can use Anthro knobs!
Yellow is sooo in.
What are they doing on YoungHouseLove these days?

These are just a few of the many monologues that trailed through my head as the week progressed. When my mom reminded me of my upcoming article for The Eagle, I knew my ideas needed some serious simplification. Something readers would appreciate artistically, but still be up for trying on their own.

I came back to the idea of furniture as a way to display pictures. Two pieces in my room have already received this treatment (with old family photos and postcards) *see "Texas On My Mind" post from August 2* and it was such a fun way to dress up antique furniture. With my friend's birthday coming up, I decided to turn the table into a gift and cover the top in black and white pictures of our friends. Here is the before:

And after an evening spent in my garage with a glass of wine and Phillip Wesley Pandora, I felt renewed. It's amazing how a little can of cranberry paint can do that to you...
Just me then?

"k" for miss Kristin, the birthday girl. And are you loving the grey-blue walls? Brand spankin new (and a bit of a split second decision). Notice the painter's tape in the bottom of this picture...

But her room looks fabulous and I won't take any credit. Thank you, Kristin, for inspiring me with your beautiful and natural taste- and for letting a "come and take it" piece have a spot in your home.
The article featuring Kristin's bedside table and a full "how-to" on upcycled furniture will be published in next month's edition of Home In Style magazine of The Eagle newspaper. If you are interested in a piece of furniture to be repainted or restyled, please let me know. I'm happy to work with you on any project!

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